The Happiness of a Newly-Minted Archer

A few days ago I received the news that the bow I received was for kids. I was devastated. It was a gift, you see. I could try to use it but there was a very real danger that it would break and the string could whip around and do some real damage.

But luckily, the staff at Kodanda ( basement, MCS) knew someone who was selling their bow.  Behold!image

I cannot tell you how happy that made me. I couldn’t afford a brand new set, but this is well within my budget. I tried it out and all I can say is I LOVE IT! The transition from wood to steel was not as jarring as I thought and although it is a bit heavier, it was manageable. The staff gave great advice and made sure that the bow was in good working order.

But the happiest moment was when I walked back to the office with the bow. People gave me a very wide berth. I was smiling but I guess it wasn’t reassuring. Or maybe it made it worse. The bow might have given the impression that the holder is a creature with whom one does not mess with. It warmed my heart.
